An Opportunity for Writers

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I started writing seriously at the age of nine, with the goal of becoming a world-famous author someday. While that goal has changed, there is one thing for certain that I wished I had when I was starting out.

Last week I was at the Young Writer’s Workshop conference, and let me tell you, it was amazing. The Young Writer’s Workshop is an online community designed to help young writers become authors. Designed for those between the ages of 12 and 25, YWW was founded by Brett Harris and Jaquelle Ferris in 2017 and has since become one of the most prestige writing communities for young people in the world.

At the conference, I was able to meet a lot of the friends I had made online as well as listen to speakers such as Kara Swanson, Bryan Davis, H.S.J. Williams, and more talk on editing, writing as Christians, creating novels and independent publishing versus traditional publishing. Pages of notes were taken, laughter was shared, and we all left feeling full of knowledge and sad to leave.

But one thing stuck in my mind: writing is not a lonely journey.

crop woman with coffee writing in notebook on bed

Maybe you’re a writer, feeling like the writing life is the high and lonely one, a path of solitude. But nothing could be further from the truth. Writers need writers. We need a community.

So, if you’re a writer looking for a community, then you have an opportunity.

Young Writers Can Change the World

Organized by Brett Harris and including some of the speakers I mentioned above, the Young Writers Can Change the World Summit is a FREE online event running through August 21 and 22 designed to empower young writers in the fact that yes, their words matter and they change the world. Some of the speakers include Chuck Black, Tosca Lee, S.D. Smith, Edwina Perkins, Bryan Davis, Kara Swanson, Steve Laube, Anna Rose Johnston, Nova Bee, and Sarah Mackenzie.

I attended this event last year, and it was so helpful to me. I learned so much, and it showed me that there are indeed other writers like me out there. You are not alone! Writers have to stick together. We can’t journey alone.

But There’s More!

Following the summit there will be a $1 trial for The Young Writer’s Workshop. You will get to interact with an entire community of young writers wanting to glorify God with their words, gain access to a host of information, and grow stronger as a writer.

If you have ever felt alone, like no one understood your passion, and you weren’t sure where you could find support, this site is for you.

So go check out YWW! If you’re looking for an opportunity to grow in your writing skills, find your people, and become a better writer, then YWW is for you. It will change your life.

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