From the Books: Character Interview with Cascade

Welcome to another character interview! I thought that I would diverge from Brieltas for a bit so that we could interview another one of my favorite characters, Cascade from Broken Wings and the Wings of Equinox trilogy.

Cascade is a blue roan pegasus mare from Prairie Tribe, daughter of Rowansun and Crimsonpine, the chief stallion and lead mare, and is Chance’s half sister, Snowfire’s aunt, and Thunder’s mate. She is the leader of the Grounded Warriors and loves mentoring the young apprentices.

Author: Welcome to this interview, Cascade! I know there are quite a few readers who are going to enjoy this session a lot. Now, a lot of the readers have heard about how you told Snowfire that you did not want your wings back when she offered to restore them. Would you like to explain to the readers about why you made that decision?

Cascade: Hm… well, I guess I couldn’t really see the point. I feel like there was a reason I lost my wings, like I needed to be with the Grounded Warriors. I’ve been able to do a lot of good, smooth out the tensions between the Winged and the Grounded. Having one name and not being able to be my father’s heir is a small price to pay. Thunder needed his wings– he is a better warrior than ever before for his experience both in the air and on the ground. As for me, I’m happy to stay where I am.

A: Some would call you the “mentor” character to Snowfire. Would you say that is accurate?

C: I think so. Sunrise asked me to look out for her and I’ve tried to do that. I think I’ve been a bit of a mentor alongside Mapleberry.

A: What is your favorite pastime when you are not training Grounded Warriors?

C: I spend a lot of time with Thunder and the rest of my family. I love the ocean, so I sometimes go swimming in the lagoon. It’s harder to swim without wings, but it’s still good exercise.

A: If you could have one wish granted, what would it be?

C: One wish? I would say for the King to return quickly to right the world. It’s hard to live in so much darkness.

A: You really grew into yourself through the course of your first capture, and you’ve learned what it means to be a leader. What would you say is the most important thing to remember when it comes to leadership?

C: You are not alone. You don’t have to do it all by yourself. It’s okay to ask for help– a wise horse once said that the bravest thing you can do is to ask for help. It takes courage to do that. It’s also okay to be proud of your strengths. You can use your gifts for the glory of the King.

A: What do you fear the most?

C: Shakirans. I don’t trust them, and I don’t think I will ever be able to. Especially not Fireheart, or Storm.

A: Both you and Thunder are heirs to Ocean Tribe and Prairie Tribe. If both of you were called to fulfill your duties, which would you choose and prefer?

C: That is a very tough question, one that I have thought of many times. If such a situation were to result, culture and Equinoxian law would demand that I defer to Thunder– his role as a stallion means that he would take heirship before I would. I would become an Ocean Tribe lead mare. If I had a choice…. I would probably choose the same. Prairie Tribe will always be home, but I don’t think I would be happy as a lead mare there.

A: One last question: do you ever have problems with anyone pronouncing your name wrong? (this question was submitted by illustrator Anna Kristine)

C: *blinks* Not that I know of. Cascade is fairly easy to pronouce, now that I’m no longer Cascadesky. Are you talking about that? Everyone I know pronounces it Cascade-sky.”

A: Well, sometimes the readers get confused.

Thank you for joining us for another character interview! Feel free to ask Cascade your wildest and wackiest questions in the comments.

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