From the Books: Character Interview with Monty Keller

Welcome to another interview with the characters from my WIP. Today I have brought Monty Keller for an interview. I will ask him ten questions, and when I’m done, you can ask him some yourself.

Author: Thanks for coming, Monty.

Monty: Where am I? One minute I was in the warehouse and the next I was here.

A: You need development. And I need an article.

M: *raises an eyebrow*

A: (Thank you to my friends A.J., Nadianne, and Brielle for helping come up with these questions!) What are your hobbies?

M: I read a lot. I like books that teach me things even if they’re fiction. I like working with my hands, on vehicles and such, but living underground means that we don’t have many of those.

A: What is one thing that irritates you? What is one thing that makes you happy?

M: Incompetence. When people don’t know much about something and so they turn a blind eye. Most importantly, loss of justice. As for the second one… hmm… peace. Quiet times. When me and my friends can goof off and not worry about the world around us, when Jonah sings and Patrick plays his ukulele, when Ethan and Abby tease each other and Peyton bakes and dances, when David is playing chess with Jason and unable to figure out how Jason beat him for the sixth time in a row. Little things, I guess, that remind me that not everything in the world is broken. It’s hard to remember that sometimes.

A: Deepest fear?

M: *narrows eyes* why do you want to know?

A: For the sake of character development, indulge me.

M: Well shouldn’t you know, since you’re my author?

A: *blinks* I suppose that’s true… But they *waves to the reader* don’t know.

M: Fine. *crosses arms* *sarcastic* it’s people violating the last thing I have— my secrets.

A: What’s your favorite weapon?

M: The best weapon is a dagger, not too thin or too large, one that’s sturdy enough to effectively stab someone while also being able to easily conceal it. Second choice would be a gun, but those get tracked too easily. We don’t have a wide variety in our group, mostly daggers, brass knuckles, tasers and chains.

A: Do you have a favorite holiday? A favorite season?

M: Hmm… I don’t know. I never liked Christmas because it always seemed to be about buying stuff, about rushing around and splurging on yourself. I don’t like Free Day because it’s too loud, and it’s diverged too much from what it used to be. Holidays aren’t really my kind of thing.

Season? Hm… winter and summers are a definite no. Winters are so bleak and summer is too busy… fall is interesting until all the leaves are gone and you feel like the world died. So spring would be my favorite. It’s… hopeful.

A: What strategy do you think is best for fighting?

M: Hmm…. it’s always best to be a step ahead, but to keep yourself secret. If everyone knows who you are it’s harder to do your job. Doing things quickly and quietly is almost always the best plan.

A: What do you hope people learn from your life?

M: You really like your weird questions, don’t you? Jackie warned me about this… *sighs* In my preference, no one will remember me, because I won’t be discovered. My records are gone,… I am a phasma, a ghost. But if someone were to remember me, I hope they would learn that the fight for truth and justice is hard, but worth it in the end.

A: Do you like relying on other people/friends or do you like to do things solo? Or a mix of both?

M: Hmmm… that’s a hard question.

When it comes to normal life, I couldn’t live without my friends. They’re always the ones who remind me of why my life is worth living, of what we’re fighting for. I’m not sure where I would be without them…

On missions, I like to work alone, because it means less liabilities. Because I’m the leader I’m inherently responsible if anyone gets hurt. If I’m working alone, I’m responsible for me and my actions only.

However, I will admit, it’s good to have backup sometimes.

A: Makes sense. If you were to do something ‘for fun’ what would you choose to do?

M: Hmm…. I like to read…

Well… we have a bunch of random board games in the closet because board games are outdated now and everyone keeps throwing theirs away… so if we have nothing else to do we break out the Jenga and Uno cards, or something like Baker Street or Plunder. We used to have Uno Attack but that ended badly for Jason…

About the secrets thing… I’m sorry if I was rude about it. My secrets are the last thing that is truly sacred to me, something that no one else has violated, and I would prefer to keep it that way, if you don’t mind.

A: I understand.

M: *grunts* Of course you do.

A: Okay, last question. What object/belonging is the most special to you?

M: Hmmm… the two photos I have of my mom, and my old copy of Animal Farm. Now can I go home?

A: Not quite. I think the readers want to ask some questions to you too.

M: Great. Well… ask away.


    • Allie Lynn says:

      M: I’m seventeen. And I’d prefer to not talk about him. He was never in my life and I’d like it to keep it that way.

  1. Queen Lizzy K. says:

    Great interview!
    Question for Monty: If things had been different, what career path would you have chosen?

    • Allie Lynn says:

      Hmmm… I guess I’ve never really thought about that… I think I would like working on cars, but I wouldn’t like the people interaction. Maybe a spy or something.

    • Allie Lynn says:

      M: *growls* What is it with you people and poking around my past? *sighs* I’ll give you one memory. Christmas with Kestra, first year I lived with her family. It was the first time since my mom… whatever. I’ll keep it at that was the first good memory I have from that year.

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