(Hey guys! Sorry I have been offline for so long, but it was a much-needed break and it has allowed me to return to blogging renewed and refreshed! Hope you all enjoy today’s post!)
Today I thought it would be a fun treat to do another character interview, this time with the MC of my superhero dystopian novel, Dust of the Arena, which is also available as a subscriber-exclusive snippet series.
What is a character interview? Basically it’s a fake interview that writers use to develop their characters. It can be anything from “what kind of chocolate do you like” to “what is your deepest fear”.
Here’s how this will work: I will “ask” Chaya questions, and then YOU guys can ask her questions in the comments below, and I’ll respond as the character.
Allie: Hi Chaya, glad you could be here!
Chaya: I didn’t have much of a choice. YOU dragged me here.
A: *dismissive wave* ah that’s what they all say… so tell us a little bit about yourself.
C: *coughs* well… I’m 25… I live on a homestead in Southwest Nevada… and that’s all you need to know.
A: *whispers* I promise the government isn’t going to come looking for you if you tell us stuff.
C: *eyebrow raise* how did you….
A: I’m the author, I know everything. *clears throat and organizes papers* So, Chaya, do you live with anyone on your homestead?
C: Uh… three kids.
A: Weird. I wouldn’t take you for the mothering type.
C: We… found each other. I’m not their mom, just their guardian. There’s a difference.
A: What are their names and ages?
C: Peter, Marcus, and Willa. Seventeen, nine, and six, respectively.
A: Why did you take them in?
C: *fidgets* Because they’ve got abilities, like me. And their parents either abused that or abandoned them because of it. No kid deserves that. So I took them in.
A: What is one thing you wish others knew about you?
C: *inhales* Everyone seems to think that I’m a hero. For stopping the Arenas, being an advocate for supers. But I was the villain first. I killed a lot of people who were more heroic than me. And it’s not something I can just forget. Even if everyone else does.
A: What were the Arenas?
C: Few decades back, when superpowers first came on the genetic scene, the horror movie industry was booming and people loved video games with violence. So the government thought that a good way to get rid of the supers and line their pockets at the same time was to create these arena battles with about ten supers from the different segments of America. It was a tournament style– there would be smaller tournaments at county and state levels, then slowly up to segment and nationals. There would also be smaller fights in between champions. At first they just convinced people it was all virtual reality, but then people realized it was real… and they still didn’t stop watching it. They were hooked on bloodlust.
A: How old were you when you started fighting in the Arenas?
C: Twelve. All supers in the facilities start Arena fighting at age twelve for girls and thirteen for boys. I was sold to the government at age six, and didn’t leave until I was sixteen.
A: With so many fights, it seems like you would have a lot of chances to be killed. How did you survive even from such a young age?
C: I had one of the more rare abilities and learned how to use it before I joined the Arenas. Thought Impression is pretty powerful when you use it right.
A: Do you still use it now?
C: Heck no. I don’t use it on humans. Sometimes with the horses, but that’s more like a training aid. I hate it and I wish I was never born with an ability.
A: What are the abilities of the kids?
C: Peter has memory swapping. He can “steal” memories at the risk of losing his own. I think he hates his power more than I hate mine. Marcus has fortunately never had a bad experience with his ability and can talk to animals. Willa insists her ability is toasters and I’m somewhat inclined to believe her– that girl can make a batch of toast better than anyone else I know.
A: I’ve been asking a lot of heavy questions, so I’ll move on to a few lighter topics: what is your favorite kind of music?
C: Alternative rock. I like Skillet and the Score.
A: What’s your favorite animal?
C: Horses. I’ve taken in a few mustangs over the years. My horse is Cinco, he’s a dapple gray. Don’t ask my opinion on the mustang argument, please. It’s a headache to discuss.
A: If you could give one piece of advice to everyone, what would it be?
C: … Don’t be afraid to stand with your morals. Yes, I know, the world is rough and scary. But no one ever got anywhere from being a coward. One voice could be the difference between change and a return to the cycle. If you have a chance, use it.
A: Thank you for this interview!
All right guys, *shoves Chaya forward*.
Ask away! What questions do you have for my character?
What is one thing you think horses do much better than humans?
How did you learn to train/ride/handle horses?
What are all the animals you have on the homestead aaaand what are their names?
If you could go back in time and tell your younger self something, what would it be?
If you could go back in time with the knowledge you have now, would you try to stop the Arenas earlier than you did before?
Listen, undoubtedly, and forgive.
I was mostly self taught. There was… someone else… a really long time ago. But I don’t like to talk about them.
We have goats, chickens, meat rabbits, two horses and a mule. And a livestock guardian dog. I couldn’t tell you all the names…
you should have run sooner.
I’m not sure if I could have stopped them before Reed. It was either fight to the death or die, and there were never successful escape attempts. I don’t even know if the crowd would have listened at an earlier time.
Who were your parents?
What’s your greatest fear? (I won’t tell anyone…)
What was the best thing that happened to you?
What’s your favorite food?
What is it like using your ability?
Oh…how does Peter’s ability work?? Like…does he do that a lot to forget his bad past? Or…he could steal someone’s memories if they hold secret info…I’m wondering about that.
Why are you MAD AT REED????
I hope you aren’t exhausted by all those questions! Your…ahem…creator never said there was a limit.
I don’t remember my parents, nor do I want to.
… that I become the shadow of my past.
Rescuing Cinco and later on Peter. Two of the few times I’ve actually used my ability for good.
Sandwiches. But not with mayo.
It’s… hard to explain. It feels violating but I’ve been trained for so long on one way to use it that sometimes I’m still tempted just to whip it out to have my way. It’s been a process these last few years.
You’d have to ask Peter that. Even I don’t know that much about his ability. He keeps quiet about it, and I don’t ask.
I’m not mad at Reed. I never was mad at him. We just… faded in our friendship. Went our separate ways. It happens, nothing that special about it.
Chaya, does the pain from the past still haunt you and burn inside of you? Is that what drives you to protect Peter, Marcus, and Willa.
What do you think?
Chaya, what are your favorite books?
What character trait do you admire most in a person?
Hm… well, I don’t read very much. Marcus reads more than I do. I guess I like lighter books, but not too fluffy. Enough to get my mind off of things without completely turning me off.
Courage to think for yourself. I live in an age of sheeple, and I appreciate those who have enough sense to not let others make decisions for them.