Dear Horse crazy– you’re not alone
“You’re never too old for horses.”
You’ve heard that adage, haven’t you? From the famous barrel racers, elite equestrians, and equine industry professionals featured in the horse books, magazines, and other equine media you’ve consumed since the day you became horse crazy. Maybe you’ve even heard it from horse owners.
Sure, it’s easy to believe that you’re never too old for horses when you own a horse and get to ride every day. It’s even easy to believe when you take riding lessons.
But you’re not a little kid anymore. Your childhood passion of collecting horse models and reading horse books and drawing thousands upon thousands of horse pictures to perfect your style is clashing with the older, more “mature” hobbies your friends are taking part in. You know of adults who bought a horse even when they didn’t ride as kids, but you’re in the in-between– you’re not a child, but you’re not an adult.
Horse crazy, you’re not alone.
My name is Allie Lynn. I’m a Midwest resident who has been horse crazy since age nine. And I created this website for you.
For the teens who love horses, but are told they are too old.
For those in the in-between.
I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to love horses as a teen. I’m here as someone who spent her horse crazy teen years almost completely horseless. And I’m here to write horse books for the teenager who still wants to read about horses– in a horse book for teens.
Welcome to my little corner of the internet, a community for the horseless horse crazies.
~Allie Lynn