Today I am happy to bring an interview with Young Rider and Horse Illustrated editor-in-chief, Holly Caccamise!
Category: Author’s Corner
How to Write Realistic Fantasy Equines
It’s hard to write something that doesn’t exist, but today’s article dives into how you can use real life creatures to write fantasy equines.
Even a Pirate King Has His Fears: A Short Story
A prequel to Queen of the Pirates, a pirate captain’s worries are not the same as most others of his trade.
5 Tips for Coming Back to Writing After You’ve Been Sick
In a ready-set-go culture, it’s hard for a writer to take a break, making getting back into groove after illness a difficult task. Today’s article dives into five ways you can get back into writing after being sick.
Baylee, a Novel–Chapter Seven: Trapped
Captured by the humanos, Baylee and the herd are taken to a new place to learn their fates in the hands of the enemy.
Baylee: A Novel– Chapter Six: The Metal Birds Again
A decision made in a moment of hot anger has dire consequences.
Summer Horse Reads: 15 Horse Books To Add to Your Summer Reading List
Fifteen horse books to add to your Summer To Be Read collection. Includes both series and standalone books.
Baylee, a Novel– Chapter Five: El Creador
In chapter five, the herds converse about the oncoming drought, and the sovereignity of El Creador.
How to Balance Writing Strong Female Characters and Strong Male Characters
In this article, I discuss how woke agendas, secular ideologies, and even Dr. Doofenshmirtz contribute to a war against gender-specific rolls and how Christian writers can write strong male AND strong female characters in their novels.
Baylee, A Novel– Chapter Four: A New Herd
Baylee and Sombre adjust to life without their old herds, and subsequently find new strength and support in each other.